Have you ever encountered what felt like a giant in your life? A problem of epic proportions? One that felt utterly overwhelming and left you thinking you had no way to overcome it?
Faith comes by hearing.
Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. As you listen to God’s Word coming out of your own mouth, your faith will get a great boost!
Words are not primarily for communication, though we use them for communicating with one another and with God all the time. Words are actually meant for far more—they are containers.
When each of us was born again and made a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17), God gave us a measure of faith.
You can walk fear free and faith full by taking authority over fear. It doesn’t take long. All you have to do is start speaking one of the declarations below when you wake, or as you head to work.
If you think you’re having a difficult time right now, David is one who would understand.
There aren’t many things that can cause more stress and anxiety than financial pressure. It can be an all-consuming worry during the day and keep you up all night.