The average adult makes between 33,000 and 35,000 decisions a day.
Let faith fill every part of your life!
When you saturate your life with God's Word, you'll take your faith to the next level!
Your success as a Christian lies in your willingness and ability to use your faith to apply God's Word in your life. When you do, your faith will change everything!
When you were first saved, you probably did not know all the promises given to you in the Word, but you did know about the Name of Jesus.
The Apostle Paul knew what you would be up against as a believer in these last days. And he knew it wouldn’t be easy. In fact, he warned us by saying, “Be careful how you live….
We are people of faith, but we sometimes need help to get past the fear that tries to overwhelm us. Just keep moving! you tell yourself. Don’t look back…. It’ll go away….
Mark 4:24 tells us, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given” NKJV).
When Kenneth Copeland was a young man, his parents surprised him with a Triumph Thunderbird one Christmas.
You don’t have to pretend anymore.
Somewhere along the way, an unspoken rule was formed that says you must always have it together. Be perfect. Never feel weary in your faith.
The promises of God belong to you. Every minute of every day, as a child of God, you’re entitled to believe for them and to take possession of them.
Do you need a miracle? Maybe you’re at the end of yourself in your finances with no way out.
Have you ever wondered what it means to plead the blood of Jesus? You can learn to take the power of the blood and apply it to any situation! Here’s how.
Do you find yourself struggling to combat negative reports? Is fear trying to get a foothold in your life each time you hear what’s happening around the world?
Do you feel like your faith could use a boost? Do you desire to be so strong in your faith that nothing the enemy sends your way distracts you from the promises of God?