Favored Acceleration
I called the prayer line to pray for favor to sell our home that had been on the market for years. After we prayed, our house sold!
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland
I called the prayer line to pray for favor to sell our home that had been on the market for years. After we prayed, our house sold!
My wife and I have been Partners with KCM since about 2016. I remember the day when God asked us to start giving, partnering with KCM. At the time I thought to myself, With what?
Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed Pastors’ George and Terri’s teaching on the core values of Kenneth Copeland Ministries especially on honoring God, not only at church but in our everyday
Thank you so much for the teaching on core values. I so appreciate the lessons I receive from KCM. They have changed my life. I love to learn from Pastors’ George and Terri.
I called for prayer for my wife, who was driving and started to experience blurred vision and a massive headache. She immediately went to the emergency room.
I prayed for my daughter's father to be saved. I heard Brother Kenneth's story about his mother, Vinita, praying for his salvation and telling the Lord she was done praying for it.
At the 2024 Branson event, I was set free from grief over my daughter's death, which was six years ago.
There are no words to describe the blessing FlashPoint has been! I’m so grateful that you all have been there for me. I first got connected to KCM in 2018.
Last year, I was listening to FlashPoint, and they were talking about the prodigals coming home. I believed that was a word from the Lord.