Kenneth's Partner Letter Archive

Since 1986, each month without fail, Kenneth Copeland has personally written a letter to his Partners, sharing the latest insights and revelation the Lord has shown him. Use this archive to read his latest letter, as well as research past letters that will charge your faith.

Wisdom is the Principal Thing!

For 2025 to be alive for us all, we must have, and act, on the wisdom of our God who made the earth by His power and established it by His wisdom and understanding. Power without wisdom is non-productive or, in the case of humans, dangerous. But God is Love, so Love’s wisdom created all things with His power. In 2025, let your faith and trust be not in men’s wisdom, but in the power and wisdom of our God, who is Love. 



First John 2:5 Love Never Fails!

We have an entire year ahead of us. We must stand fast in our liberty! We do that by walking in faith, which works by love, and not by sight, as we believe the written Word of God and His blood-backed, precious promises. Keeping and treasuring God’s precious promises will lead to a wonderful life of enjoyment and abundance—blessed going out and blessed coming in! 

Take The High Ground! Prov. 18:10 AMPC

We are joint heirs with Jesus, the Messiah, the Christ! We have His mind, His blood-backed Word and His armor. We have even been given His faith—the title deed to the things we hope for. To take the high ground, we must put God’s Word first place, walk by faith and not by sight, and keep the command of Love—God’s Love that has been shed abroad in our hearts by His Holy Spirit who lives within us!

The Man of Two Minds James Ch. 1

You can’t worry and fret and be in faith at the same time. God has already given us the assurance, the confirmation, the “title deed” of the things we hope for (Hebrews 11:1, AMPC). He who lives in us is greater than he who is in the world, so we must stay in faith in His promises without wavering, because our faith is the victory that overcomes the world! 

God Loves you!

Since God is Love, He desires that we love one another—even the ones who persecute us and make life difficult for us. In other words, we are to make it a practice to love our enemies. When we walk in love, there is no fear, and our faith can then work, just as it did for Jairus who was believing that Jesus could raise his daughter from the dead. 

Jesus says to us today, “Be not afraid, only believe, which works by and through love!” 

THE NAME of JESUS is a strong Tower; The Righteous Run into it and are safe!

God is Love. He has made you a new creature in Him—filled with His love and faith. He does not hold your trespasses against you, but you are to perfect holiness in the fear of God, remembering that the fruit of the spirit, which includes His Love, already dwells in you. Activate that Love daily by confessing 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (AMPC) and watch how God’s Love and holiness will flow from you!

We Walk by Faith not by Sight!

The Spirit of faith believes and speaks. It doesn’t go by what it sees or feels. By faith, we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We speak it with confidence. Our heavenly Father is El Shaddai—more than enough, and He has said that THE BLESSING belongs to us. We are Abraham’s seed, and heirs of God through faith in Christ Jesus, the Messiah. Our faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of all God has promised us! 

The Birth of A Nation!

The Birth of a Nation! The Fourth of July is Freedom Day! In 1789 George Washington took his official oath of office as the first president of the United States of America. Our nation was dedicated to God. Washington sealed the oath and covenant with, “So help me God,” and the covenant was invoked. America belongs to God Almighty! Though our nation is in trouble, the bottom line is we are based solidly upon our covenant with the God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth!

We Walk by Faith not by Sight!

Faith is a spiritual, unseen force that’s always in the now. It is the victory that overcomes the world. Faith says, “God said it, I believe it.” “I hope so” is not faith. It’s really saying, “I wish so.” But true Bible hope is the blueprint for faith. For the believer, our architect is the Holy Spirit, and the blueprint for our faith is the red print in our Bibles. The plan is the First and Second Covenants. Learn how to release your faith in power to receive what you need!

You Don't Let Your Heart Be Troubled Neither Let it Be Afraid!


Jesus humbled Himself, laying aside His heavenly privileges with the Father to be born into the earth as a man. He came to die in our place, taking our sins and sicknesses on the Cross so we could go free. Three days and three nights, tormented by every devil in the depths of hell, Jesus paid the price for our redemption and brought the devil to zero. The Father has highly exalted Him and because of His conquest, given Him a Name which is above the name of everything that could ever come against us!