God, being the loving and generous Father He is, wants the best for us. He’s an over-the-top God, especially when it comes to His children.
Feed your mind, feed your spirit!
Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your faith by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Your faith doesn’t have to waver today…or ever!

When Moses died and Joshua was faced with the responsibility of leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land, he was dealing with fear.
“Our greatest days of ministry lie ahead as we minister alongside one another in this glorious partnership exchange!” –Kenneth Copeland
What Is Partnership?
The Apostle John gave us a beautiful description of what happened the morning it was discovered that Jesus, who had been crucified, was no longer in the tomb where they had laid Him.
When we examine the many times prayer is mentioned in the Word or demonstrated by people in the Bible, including the times that Jesus prayed, we recognize there are many ways to pray.
“Happy New Year!” Isn’t that what we say to one another when the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31, each and every year?
On a scale of one to 10, what’s your level of joy? If you answered on the low end of the spectrum, it’s likely because you are facing some challenges that have you down.
Is your faith working as well as it should be? There are two key elements that make faith work. They are like rocket fuel for your spirit.
It’s tempting to think our faith will work if we just pray hard enough, but that’s not what our loving God intends for us at all. Faith is defined as simply agreeing with God and His Word.
The media will do it over and over.
Faith can often seem like an abstract concept.