Q: How can I know if I’m really in love?
Published on February 14, 2025

There is a difference between being attracted to someone and being in love. Feelings are fickle. One day you can be whistling a happy tune and pleased as punch with your significant other, then the next day they annoy you when they chomp their food at the table.
That’s why knowing whether you are in love is less important than knowing if you are spending time with the person God has chosen for you. This is a critical enough decision that it warrants prayer, fasting and listening for His still, small voice. He wants to help you with this important relationship!
In the meantime, there are a few other things to consider. If you want to know if there is love between you and another person, check 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, which tells us how true love acts.
- It forgives
- It sees the best in people
- It has patience
- It is kind to others
- It is not rude or inconsiderate
- It doesn’t tell people what they want to hear; it tells them what they need to hear
- It isn’t quick to get angry or offended
- It is not touchy, fretful or resentful
- It obeys God.
If you love someone, you’ll treat them that way. And more importantly, if they love you, they’ll treat you that way, as well. Now, if someone slips in one of these areas now and again, it doesn’t mean they don’t genuinely love you—it means they are imperfect people who need forgiveness. But true love (developed through a relationship with Christ) will work to behave in these ways toward others.
If you think you may have found the one you’d like to spend the rest of your life with, be sure you make a wise choice.
Try our Foolproof Method for Finding the Right Husband or Wife HERE.