You can change your circumstances by saying this, not that! Learn to choose and speak the right words and change your future!
You probably remember the story. Caleb had just returned from spying out the Promised Land. All the spies who had gone there with him, except for Joshua, had come back with “an evil report.” They acknowledged that the land was good and flowing with milk and honey, but they said it would be impossible to conquer.
When the Israelites heard that news, they all started weeping and wailing. But Caleb interrupted them. “Wait a minute!” he said. “If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land…and will give it to us” (Numbers 14:8, NIV).
Caleb wasn’t just being positive—God had already promised to give them the land. He was declaring God’s Word and saying by faith, “We can do this!” But those with a bad report were speaking in unbelief. They not only said, “We cannot do this!” They said, “We might as well have died in the wilderness!”
You probably know how it ended. The entire generation of doubters died in the wilderness, but Caleb laid claim to the land and walked right into it. In other words, everyone there got what they said!
Saying and believing is God’s plan of dominion. It’s how we, as Christians, got born again. And now that we’re saved, we’re supposed to receive all His other BLESSINGS by using the same process.
Sadly, however, a lot of believers haven’t been doing that. They’ve just ridden along passively in the passenger seat of life, unhappy about what’s happening to them, and yet not using the power of their words to change it.
“Well,” someone might say, “I’ve never been a fan of making faith confessions. I like to leave everything up to God. He’s really the One who chooses what’s going to happen in our lives.” No, He’s not. He’s given that choice to us (Deuteronomy 30:14-15, 19).
Just like the Israelites, we can have a bad report or a good report. And, in the end, we will have what we say. So, let’s start exchanging wrong words for right ones—a bad report for a good, faith-filled report.
Here are some common things people say, and how to replace them with confessions based on the Word of God:
Bad Report No. 1: “I get sick every year.”
That may have been true in the past, but it should not be true of your future! God’s will is that you live in divine health all the days of your life (Galatians 3:13). Because we know we’ll have what we say (Mark 11:24), speak healing, protection and divine health over your body instead.
“I do not expect or receive any kind of sickness or disease in my body. I resist it in the Name of Jesus. I rebuke it now. No plague will come near my home. I walk in supernatural and divine health every day of my life!”
Psalm 91:10; Galatians 3:13; Colossians 2:15
Bad Report No. 2: “I’m really worried about my kids.”
No one would argue that raising kids is a tough job! Parents feel a deep sense of responsibility for how their children turn out. It can often be tempting to worry about our children—even fearing for them in one way or another. In fact, the world will make you think you’re not a good parent if you don’t worry! But that’s not God’s best. He desires for you to live without fear or worry, to turn your children over to His care, and at the same time take spiritual authority over them. You can enjoy the freedom to parent from a standpoint of a victory already won!
“My children have a bright and glorious future. They will serve God with a faithful heart and make wise choices. My children have divine protection and walk in divine health. They choose godly friends and refuse to turn to the right or to the left, but instead stay on the narrow path of righteousness. They have the favor of God!”
Isaiah 53:5, 54:13; Psalm 91; Proverbs 4:27, 13:20
Bad Report No. 3: “I’m probably going to get laid off this year, just like everyone else.”
A child of God has no business expecting the worst. Jesus died to give you everything you could ever need or want; living like the rest of the world does disrespects the gifts He bore so much torment to secure for you. You are in this world, but you are not of it and you are no longer under the curse! When 10,000 are being laid off around you—it won’t touch you. Instead, you’ll be the one promoted, relocated or offered a better position. So don’t speak anything else!
“My God is more than enough. I’m blessed and I’m prosperous. My needs are met according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God’s favor surrounds me like a shield. I am always increasing. I’m blessed when I come in, I’m blessed when I go out. I am expecting the best job of my life!”
Deuteronomy 28:6; Psalm 5:12; Philippians 4:19
You can change what you say! Don’t give Satan your words—that’s the only way he can get in your life and your business. It’s the only way he can steal what belongs to you. Instead, give God place by giving Him words to work with—words that come straight from His Word.
Whatever it takes to make you free, speak it out in the Name of Jesus and command it to come to pass. Speak the result that you desire. Then expect it to come to pass!