“You are the salt of the earth…. You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14, NIV). In these verses, Jesus isn’t talking just to Christians collectively; He’s talking to each of us individually.
Christian walk
Do you want to live more boldly in your faith? Do you want to see the power and miracles that can only come from spiritual boldness? Most of us do!
If you feel like you’ve been living at the bottom of the barrel, struggling to make ends meet, putting things back on the shelf at the grocery store, and praying you’ll have enough just to pay your bills—you aren’t living the life Jesus died to give you!
During the three years of Jesus’ ministry, there was one thing that hindered His ability to work miracles more than anything else—unbelief. In Nazareth, for example, Jesus’ neighbors and childhood friends refused to accept Him.
What does it mean to be a mature Christian? Does it happen simply because you’ve been a believer for a certain length of time? No, maturity just doesn’t happen; rather, it is a choice. It takes a quality decision to pursue the things of God and “grow up” in them.
People sometimes question what it means to be a faith person, to live a faith-filled life. Some refer to faith people as that “name it and claim it” bunch. They assume that we try to pass off wishful thinking as some form of Christian practice.
Often believers ask how they can stand strong in the midst of uncertainty, including danger.
What would your life be like if the favor of God surrounded you each and every day? Would you experience more grace? More happiness? More success? Would the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) be more evident in your life?
Have you ever loved someone so much that you had the thought, I would give my life for him (or her)? A spouse? A child? A country? It is the greatest expression of love—to die so that someone else can live (John 15:13). That’s what Jesus did for you and every other human being.
Your thoughts have power. Sound surprising? It’s true. Your thoughts play a large role in the way you relate to your family, co-workers, fellow Christians, neighbors and even yourself.
Romans 12:2 instructs us to, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (KJV). “Renewing your mind” is an important part of living a successful Christian life.
Gloria Copeland discusses Psalm 145 in relation to healing. God is looking for a heart that will receive all the good He wants to give. It can be YOU!