Being strong and courageous in the face of adversity, in the face of uncertain times, and in the face of bad news or a bad report is exactly what God wants for us.
Your prayers make a difference.
Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your prayer life by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. God has made you a prayer warrior—believe it!
When Jesus came from heaven to earth, He came needing partners. First, God partnered with Mary to bring Jesus into this world. He partnered with Joseph to raise Jesus.
Whatever the situation, you can be among these powerful Christians who take the Word of God and use it like a weapon to change your city.
We are going to now speak to the spirit of strife over this nation.
We love our pets and want God’s blessing and protection over them.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, that the Lord watches over His people and that they are healed, prosperous and delivered from terror.
People often get discouraged when praying for the salvation of loved ones and begin to wonder if their prayers ever really help. Well, guess what? Yes!
Learn how to experience freedom in your prayers.
Pray this prayer, confessing that God is with you now, and in every time of need.
Pray this prayer for those who are sharing God's Word all around the world. Your prayers make a difference!
Pray this prayer for His direction now.
Put yourself and God in remembrance of His Word and know that the only “safe” place there will ever be is under His protection.
Our heavenly Father is very interested in you and desires the very best for you. Pray this prayer if you're looking for employment.
You are blessed! Pray this prayer for finances, speaking His Word over your money and your giving.
God’s Word is always His will. We have included a prayer and scriptures that we believe will minister to you as you stand on them for a child of your own.
Pray this prayer as you stand for your nation or other nations of the world.
As you set yourself in agreement with God’s will for revival, pray this prayer, expecting God to move.
Hope is a spiritual force which grows stronger and stronger the longer we stand. Stand in prayer for our schools today.
Praying for godly leaders is productive toward God’s plan and purpose for our nation.
Looking for spiritual insight into a specific situation? Pray this Bible-based prayer today.