
Healing for the United States

There is healing for nations too! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares why we are called to pray for our president and that position of leadership—no matter who is in office. Healing for the United States is God’s will. It’s time to get rid of unbelief and make way for unity and His mighty works in this nation!

You Can Refuse to Be Divided

Political parties seek to divide us—but you can refuse to be divided from your Christian brothers and sisters! Watch George Pearsons, Buddy Pilgrim and Michele Bachmann on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how we, as believers, need to unify behind biblical principles—life, God’s design for marriage, religious freedom, a free economy and Israel.

America Needs God’s Economy

There is an unbiblical attempt to restrict prosperity in America, and your voice is needed! Watch George Pearsons, Buddy Pilgrim and Michele Bachmann on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how your vote will determine whether people in America are free to prosper or forced to decline. America needs God’s economy!

God's Wisdom Will Turn Your Situation Around

Lesson 5
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Trust God's Wisdom Above All Else

Lesson 4
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Receive God's Wisdom

Lesson 3
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God's Wisdom Changes Everything

Lesson 2
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Find the Key Issue

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Your Words Have Far-Reaching Effects

Lesson 3
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Who’s Melchizedek?

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Melchizedek is one of the most interesting and mysterious figures in the Scriptures (Genesis 14:18; Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 5:6, 10, 6:20, 7:1-28). Most scholars view him as a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. Some believe he is Jesus Himself, before He became a man. And others point to the possibility that Melchizedek was Noah’s youngest son, Shem.

Brother Copeland does not believe Melchizedek was actually Jesus, even though his priesthood is a type and shadow of the eternal priesthood of Jesus; he believes that Melchizedek was Shem.

Why should a wife submit to her husband?

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Submission has to do with order—not subordination. In the spirit world, there is no difference between men and women. In the natural realm, however, God has established a rank of authority in order to maintain order and avoid confusion.

Ephesians 5:22 says, “For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” This is not elevation of the man above the woman in importance, power, anointing or revelation. It simply means that in the home, the husband is the leader.