1. They are in His Word.
This may seem obvious and simple, but the fact is many Christians don’t consider this factor when making a decision. There are times when you need to inquire of God, but others when you don’t because He’s already given the answer. Second Timothy 2:15 tells us that we are to rightly divide the Word of God, which means to handle it correctly and consider every verse in context, and in comparison to other verses in the Bible.
That’s why it is important to remember that “if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” (1 John 5:14, NKJV).Well, not everything is God’s will. The only way to find out if the desires of your heart line up with His Word is to study the Scriptures and find out.
Here are a few examples of desires you may have and scriptures that reveal God’s will:
I would like to own a home and a car, and have plenty left over to be a blessing to others.
Psalm 1:1-3: “Blessed is the man…[whose] delight is in the law of the Lord…. whatever he does shall prosper” (NKJV).
Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and he adds no sorrow with it” (NKJV).
I desire to have a spouse and children.
Proverbs 18:22: “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord” (NKJV).
Deuteronomy 7:14: “You shall be blessed above all peoples. There shall not be male or female barren among you” (ESV).
I would like to use credit cards to buy what I want, so I don’t have to wait.
Romans 13:8: “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another” (KJV).
I’m not happy in my marriage. I want to get a divorce.
Mark 10:9: “What God has joined together let no one separate” (NIV).
Luke 16:18: “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery” (NIV).
It will be easy to know if the desires of your heart are God’s will when you know the Word. Many of your desires have already been addressed in the Bible. However, if your desire isn’t specifically addressed in His Word, it will require this next point below.
2. You heard from Him.
In many cases concerning God’s will, you need to hear from Him directly before taking a faith stand and believing Him to deliver the desires of your heart into your hands. Examples of these desires might include your specific career path or the individual you should marry. In these cases, you cannot know if it is God’s will until you have heard from Him. The more time you spend in the Word of God, the quicker you will recognize His voice and hear from Him regarding your heart’s desires.
Whenever your heart’s desires are God’s will for you—it will require that you depend on Him. Spend time in prayer, ask Him to reveal His will to you, and have ears to hear. You may hear the answer as an inward witness, He may send someone to give you a word in season, or you may have a peace in your heart from the Holy Spirit. When in doubt—wait. Don’t get ahead of God. Being in His will is the safest place to be.
3. You’re in God’s will in other areas.
If you’re seeking God’s will in a particular area of your life, one thing can hinder the answer—being out of His will in another area. If you’re looking for direction or guidance in your finances, but you’re busy disobeying His Word by refusing to forgive, for example, you may miss His instructions because you aren’t in tune with His voice.
If you can clearly hear His correction and rebuke, you’ll be able to clearly hear His answers to your questions, as well. Make it a point to get in line with God’s Word in every area of your life. Then, when you need an answer as to which way you should go—you’ll be tuned in and hear His answer loud and clear.
When you look to the Word, hear from God, and stay in His will in other areas, you’ll be in position to know with certainty if the desires of your heart are God’s will for you. The closer you get to Him, the more your desires will automatically be His will. No matter what you’re seeking, know this: God’s will for you is wholeness and abundance—spirit, soul and body!
Watch as Kenneth Copeland teaches you to activate your ability to hear God.