Kenneth's Partner Letter Archive

Since 1986, each month without fail, Kenneth Copeland has personally written a letter to his Partners, sharing the latest insights and revelation the Lord has shown him. Use this archive to read his latest letter, as well as research past letters that will charge your faith.

Prayer Does Not Make Faith Work. Faith makes Payer Work!

March is the month of new life, and our heavenly Father is the giver of that life! But how do you receive and enjoy His life? Through faith and prayer that is based on His WORD that never fails. Put on your prayer armor, and make God’s WORD first place and final authority in your life. He’ll give you revelation knowledge so your every need can be met, and divine health can be manifested in your body!

Standing on Victory's Shore in 2024!

“This year, KCM is standing on victory’s shore. We will step out in Faith into the deep, and many souls we will reap.” How we you do that, or anything else? By faith. Faith calls those things that be not as though they were. And it works by love. El-Shaddai, who is more than enough, is LOVE, and He has already made the way for you to overcome anything you will face in 2024!

No Weapon Formed Against You Will Prosper in 2024!

No Weapon Formed Against You Will Prosper in 2024!

Receiving from God is by faith in His exceeding great and precious promises that are forever and unchanging, sealed eternally by the Covenant Blood of His Son that was shed for you on the cross. He has said no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and that He will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Fear not! The bottom line is you have a covenant with God!


What so ever you shall ask the Father in my Name He will give it you!

Merry Christmas! Christ-mas actually means “a celebration of the Anointed One and His Anointing—“the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of the king of the universe.” Born in fulfillment of God’s Word, beginning at the Garden of Eden, His promise of a Redeemer was fulfilled through the birth of the living Word from the womb of a young virgin girl in Bethlehem. Jesus is no longer a baby, but our great High Priest of the Second Covenant, ratified in His sinless blood on the Cross!

Forgetting 2023, Press Forward to What Lies Ahead!

Our confidence is in the Word of God. We are people of the Book, so we must walk by faith and not by sight. Looking back can bring condemnation, but there is none in Christ Jesus! His Word is our light and guide, and we have been made worthy in Him. Whatever happened this year is swallowed up by the Love of God—the Spirit of Love Himself, who dwells in us. Forget the things that lie behind. Reach forward toward the goal to win the victory!

Love Never Fails!

Receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues is the gateway to the supernatural. Jesus, who was born and anointed by the Holy Spirit, is God’s gift to the world, but the Holy Spirit is God’s precious gift to the Church. He is our Comforter—Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby. He gives us the power to speak divine secrets between us and our heavenly Father in a prayer language we receive only from Him. Ask Him for it today (Luke 11:9-13)!

Faith Makes Prayer Work!

Faith is the engine, or the power, behind prayer. Believe, trust and be confident that what God has said is true. Faith-filled words, based on the truth of God’s eternal Word, are the absolute keys to receiving from the Father. Faith-filled words cast mountains into the sea (Mark 11:23) and, coming from born-again believers, make us victorious over the world. When our prayers are filled with faith, we receive the petitions we desire of our Father in heaven (1 John 5:14-15)!  

Faith Hope And Love!

God is good to all! Love springs from Him, who is so good. First John 4:8 tells us that God is Love. He has power, but He is Love, and He uses His power to save, heal and deliver those who come to Him in faith.  

God is Light and Life and Truth. He commands us to love one another so we can walk like Him, talk like Him and live powerful lives of victory in Him by faith, which will not work without this great Love. Eagerly pursue and seek to acquire it. Make it your life’s aim and great quest because it never fails!  

Stand Fast in The Liberty!


Two-hundred-thirty-four years ago, on April 30, 1789, American made a covenant with Almighty God, EL SHADDAI, the God who is more than enough for the United States of America, that still stands in the archives of heaven and in Washington, D.C. Stand fast therefore in this liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and remember Leviticus 25:10, inscribed on our Liberty Bell. The bottom line is this: The United States of America belongs to the God of heaven and earth through the power of covenant with Almighty God!

Faith Works By Love!

Faith works when it’s put to work, but without Love, it won’t be effective. ALL the Law and the prophets hang on Love. Why? Because God is Love. Love created all things, and Love redeemed mankind from the grip of the law of sin and death. It never fails, and it has been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit. Learn how to tap into God’s Love within you to walk in victory in the earth and to do the works of Jesus.