
Is it a sin to borrow money?

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Borrowing money is not a sin. 

But it isn’t God’s best either. 

Everything in God’s Word is designed to keep you at the top in every area of life—including financially. You are called to be the head, not the tail; above, not beneath; and the lender, not the borrower (Deuteronomy 28:12-13). In other words, borrowing money is not the goal!

If you want to move to the top as God intended, make debt freedom your aim. Build your faith to receive cars, houses and anything else debt free. And make a decision to stop using credit cards! 

How can I stay out of debt?

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Debt-free living is certainly God’s best! 

There is no question that it is God’s will for you to live debt free. His Word says He will make you the head and not the tail…and bless all the work of your hands…and you will lend and NOT borrow (Deuteronomy 28:12-13). That means He will help you get there!

On becoming debt-free, Gloria Copeland says, “You are only one decision away from debt freedom.”

Is it wrong to file for bankruptcy?

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God’s will for His children is THE BLESSING—to be the lender and not the borrower, above only and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:12-13). But if you’ve found yourself in a tough financial spot, take heart; there is deliverance available for you. 

If you’re in a place where a financial advisor has recommended that you file for bankruptcy, first and foremost seek the Lord, and if you feel a peace about moving forward, do so. But one thing is very important—watch your words.

How Old Is Old?

May 2010
How Old Is Old?
Gloria Copeland

The Word promises you a long life—but how long? Discover how old old is according to the Word and then receive that promise for yourself in this excerpt from Gloria’s new book, Live Long, Finish Strong!

Living on God’s Heavenly Grant

January 2013
Living on God’s Heavenly Grant
Melanie Hemry

Long before they faced the challenges of Desert Storm, Jeffery and Delilah Helms had worked hard to build a solid foundation of faith. As newlyweds, they had become Partners with KCM and began each day in prayer, in the Word and watching the BVOV broadcast.

Gone Fishing!

June 2013
Gone Fishing!
Kenneth Copeland

The LORD isn’t trying to keep secrets from you. He’s speaking to you, teaching you and guiding you all the time. If you have ears to hear, before long you’ll be going fishing!