Evangelizing seems to be easier for some than for others.
Spiritual Growth
Build yourself up!
Use the Word of God to build yourself up and strengthen your faith! These scripture-based prayers are just the tools you need to go to the next level in your spiritual walk.
If you’ve recently moved or are looking for a new church home for any other reason, you may be finding the process more daunting than you imagined.
As Christians, we are called to be in the world—not of it.
Do you know the full power of partnership? Partnership is more than giving and sowing. It’s more than prayer. It’s a covenant—a joining together in faith.
Are you struggling with sin consciousness? God’s righteousness is yours!
Drawing near to God is the key to unlocking every door that seems shut in your life.
God is a speaking God, and He speaks to His children every day.
God doesn’t look at color, gender or any other factor. He sees people in two groups—those who know Him and those who don’t.
There is a key to enjoying everything in life you’ve always wanted.
If you’ve faced overwhelming loss, repeated failures or betrayals of trust, hope may feel far from you.
Do you need a dose of God’s favor today? If you are a child of God then you already have it.
Walking by faith can be as natural as breathing. Choose today to live by faith and not fear.
If you do not know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord!
Enjoy Communion as often as you would like to and use this prayer when you do!
When taking Communion, use this prayer to express your thanks!
Every time you sit down with the Lord to study His Word, pray and expect revelation to flow easily into your heart!