A Prayer for a New You In a New Year
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A Prayer for a New You In a New Year Real Help

The beginning of a new year brings a sense of excitement because you have the ability to create a redo, a do-over, a restart to your life. Last year is over and everything that happened within that year is now in the past. The new year means new and fresh opportunities, new and fresh ways of doing things, new and fresh eyes for your vision. To start your year off right, you can pray this prayer to dedicate yourself and your year to the Lord.

Put your hand over your heart and say this:

Heavenly Father, I dedicate myself to You. I consecrate myself and my year to You. I want Your perfect will for my life. I want Your vision for my life. I am yielded to Your vision, and to You and Your way of doing things. Give me eyes that see and ears that hear You. I don’t want to follow old, unproductive ways of doing things. I want to follow Your ways, the ways of the kingdom of God.

I receive Your perfect will for my life. I receive Your perfect vision for my life—for my home, my family, my job and my church. I declare that I am led by the Spirit of God. I am led by the Spirit in my home. I am led by the Spirit in my family. I am led by the Spirit in my job. I am led by the Spirit in my church. I am always in the right place at the right time, with the right people, doing the right thing.

My footsteps are ordered and directed of You, God. I put away evil in every form this year. I put away distractions from my life so I can focus on You. I turn from evil in my thinking, my words and my actions. I turn from evil in my habits and in how I spend my time. Anything that You show me is evil, I turn from!

I choose life for myself. I choose life for my family. I choose life in my job and in my service to You. The joy of the Lord strengthens me. You equip me for every good work so I can be obedient to Your specific calling on my life.

I want to bear good fruit in my life that brings You glory and honor, and that remains for generations after me. I love You. I love people. I dedicate myself to be a light and a witness in the earth in order that those who don’t know You will find You and the salvation You have provided through Jesus Christ.

Make me a light and a witness in my family, my community and the world. I choose Your plan, Your purpose, Your will and Your vision for my life in Jesus’ Name.

If you prayed this prayer, we would love to agree with you over your year. Reach out to us at 1.817.852.6000 or fill out the following form: https://www.kcm.org/prayer-request

We would love to partner with you in this new year and help you live your best life!

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