Confession To Stay In the Will of God
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Obeying God and staying in His will requires spiritual effort—but has the greatest payoff of any work you could ever do on earth! Above all, it should be our honor to obey God and please Him in all things. If you have a heart to obey Him and live in complete victory, you can begin to make a transformation with this confession, based on Romans 12, to help you stay in the will of God every day.

I declare today that I will present my body to God as a living sacrifice—laying aside sin, bad habits, ungodly friends and anything else that would hinder me in running the race God has set before me. I will not conform to the patterns of this world—not its way of thinking, talking or acting—but I will spend time reading, meditating and acting on the Word of God so that I will be transformed into the kind of person He wants me to be.

I declare that I will not think of myself more highly than I should. I will view myself honestly, knowing that anything I have or can do is only by the grace of God. I will acknowledge my need for others in the Body of Christ and the gifts they have been given. I will not be jealous of the giftings of others, but instead will utilize what they have to offer and encourage them in their callings, while embracing and growing my own gifts.

I love others sincerely. I don’t only show people love when they’re right in front of me. I seek to love others in my thoughts, speech and actions whether they are around or not. I don’t gossip, I don’t criticize or tear down. I am the same in public and in private.

I hate what is evil because God hates what is evil. I do not make excuses for things like abortion, homosexuality, divorce or any other sin. Instead, I stand against that which God has called evil in my public conversations, in how I choose what I watch or listen to, and when I vote. I cling to what is good, no matter how much adversity I might face. I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might! As I honor Him and His Word, I know He will honor me. I will not lack in zeal for the things of God, but I will be passionate all the days of my life!

I will be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. I will share with the Lord’s people who are in need. I will bless those who persecute me. I will rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. I will live in harmony with other Christians. I won’t be snobby or conceited when I choose with whom to associate. 

I will not pay back evil for evil. I will do right in the eyes of those around me. As much as it depends on me, I will live at peace with everyone. I won’t take revenge—I will let God avenge me in all things. Instead, I will do good to my enemies. I will overcome evil with good.

As I walk and live in the perfect will of God, I fully expect to see a powerful change in my life. I know that, by staying in His will, I have positioned myself to receive every blessing promised in His Word, and I receive it now by faith. In Jesus’ Name!

As you regularly speak this confession to stay in the will of God, you can expect to see a change begin in your heart. Your spirit will begin to conform to the Word of God and your desire to stay in His perfect will for you will grow. This is the beginning of a great and powerful journey in your life. Be blessed!

Watch Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how to seek God and see your dreams fulfilled.

Related articles: 

24 Ways to Stay in the Will of God

7 Steps to Receiving the Desires of Your Heart