A Confession to Speak Over Your Nation
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One nation under God. That’s who we are. With privilege becomes responsibility (Luke 12:48). With the tremendous freedoms we enjoy in the United States of America, we are also stewards in the eyes of God of this precious gift. We are called to contend for righteousness, to love truth and justice, and to be bold as lions. Because God has given free will and authority to His children, the key to victory in our nation lies with YOU.

Contending for our nation can be challenging and even overwhelming when looking into the face of so much evil. But we are not to give up; rather we are to run the race that is set before us knowing that when we run, we will not grow weary or faint. 

Below is a confession to speak over your nation that you can declare in faith:

As a child of God and a citizen of the United States, I declare that we are a godly nation and established in righteousness. We are and will always be One Nation Under God. Our battle in this nation is not against flesh and blood, but against demonic authorities, powers and spiritual forces. As a steward of this nation, I take my spiritual authority over Satan and his forces as one who is now seated with Christ in heavenly places far above all rule and authority, power and dominion (Ephesians 1:21, 2:6).  Satan, you can’t have this country. It doesn’t belong to you; it belongs to God! 

In the Name of Jesus, I declare that our leaders—all across this nation, on every level—are making decisions that will lead our country in God’s ways and according to His Word. 

I speak change to the politics of our nation—that voices of influence are changing to speak in agreement with the Word of God. Those who oppose God are being replaced with those who follow Him. Those who promote sin and unrighteousness in government, schools, media and entertainment are being replaced with those who will promote godly, biblical principles. 

Christians are coming forward—speaking as boldly as lions for what is right and against what is wrong. I call abortion dethroned, dismantled and deactivated in the Name of Jesus. I declare that life-giving pregnancy centers are opening at a record pace, and Planned Parenthood centers are closing their doors to evil, death and destruction.

I call the foundations of marriage restored in the Name of Jesus. Perverse ideas and lifestyles will no longer be glorified, but there will be a celebration of truth, righteousness and strong, healthy families.

I declare today that Christians are voting in record numbers, influencing our culture for good, being faithful stewards, and serving as light in a dark world. I declare that those who are called to the seven mountains of influence in our culture are hearing and answering the call like never before. 

Christians are rising to the top of businesses in record numbers—promoting godliness without fear and giving of their resources to those in need like a cup of cold water in Jesus’ Name.

I declare that the greatest awakening this world has ever seen is here! Miracles, signs, wonders, gifts, and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit and power are in strong operation in the Church. Believers everywhere are unified in the love, power and glory of Jesus’ Name for the good of our nation and proliferation of the gospel all over the world.

I call the United States of America one nation under God, serving God, honoring God and glorifying God in all things. Jesus is LORD over America!

When you speak this confession over your nation in faith, you are taking an important spiritual step toward seeing victory! Keep praying, keep confessing, keep voting and most of all—keep standing in faith for America.

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