KCM’s Top 10 Healing Resources
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Top 10 Healing Resources

If you’re looking to build your faith for healing, you’ve come to the right place! Jesus is the Healer. Healing is for today, and healing is for YOU. But just knowing that isn’t enough. Faith is an interactive process. Jesus is offering healing, but you’ve got to build your faith to receive.

To get you on your way to your healing, we’ve put together a list of KCM’s Top 10 Healing Resources that are sure to build your faith to new levels. Choose one, or if you’re really ready to dive in, work your way through all of them!

1. God Wants You Well Healing School on VICTORY Channel® 
Gloria Copeland has been teaching healing for more than 40 years. Each week, we broadcast a different timeless teaching that will not only build your faith for healing, but so much more!

2. Healing and Wellness LifeLine Kit 
This kit is comprehensive and includes daily readings from both Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, confessions, powerful healing testimonies, a daily DVD teaching and a worship CD all designed to bring you into the kind of faith that receives.

3. Gloria Copeland’s Healing Scriptures 
These powerful scriptures have helped Kenneth and Gloria Copeland get healed and stay healed, again and again. Read them continually to keep your faith for healing high. Most of them originated from a list made by Dodie Osteen, who was healed of terminal liver cancer many years ago. She took them daily like medicine until every symptom was gone, and she still takes them every day to maintain divine health.

4. Our Top Healing Blog Posts
We always write with you in mind. These popular blog posts are jam-packed with faith teaching from our ministry straight to you, so you can live a victorious life! 

Top 10 Questions About Healing
How To Renew Your Youth Like the Eagle
Why You Should Call Yourself Well Every Day
Need a Creative Miracle? How To Stand in Faith for a New Body Part
The Keys That Unlock Healing
7 Ways To Become an Expert on Healing
The Power of the Blood of Jesus

5. Live Long, Finish Strong book by Gloria Copeland 
In this book, Gloria Copeland reveals the secret to finding the “Bible-based fountain of youth.” Through faith in, and focus on, the Word of God, you can be energized and renewed regardless of your chronological age. 

6. YouTube® KCM Partner Healing Testimonies 
One of the best ways to build your faith to receive your healing is to hear the testimonies of people just like you who have received their healing. The more you watch, the more your faith will grow!

7. Kenneth Copeland’s Faith to Be Made Whole DVD Series or MP3 Series
Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He gave keys to receiving by faith the healed and whole life God has in His heart for His people. In this series, Kenneth Copeland takes you on a journey to experience Jesus in action and discover those life-altering keys of faith!

8. Kenneth Copeland’s Healing Scriptures CD
Defeat your doubts and receive your healing by allowing the healing power of God’s Word to flow through you. Listen as Kenneth Copeland reads anointed healing scriptures, shares wisdom from Jesus’ healing ministry, and gives you the healing promises you need to hang on to.

9. Healing—It Is Always God’s Will CD Series by Kenneth Copeland
In this series, you’ll learn how to make the Word of God your final authority and act upon it, as well as how to accept the Word of God as evidence of healing and not what is perceived by the five senses. 

10. Healing Confessions by Gloria Copeland
We’ve put together tools that will help you discover the promises of God’s Word that guarantee your healing. 

We hope these top 10 healing resources will be a blessing to you. It is our heart’s desire here at KCM to stand alongside you as you pursue faith and victory every day for every part of your life. As always, if we can stand with you in prayer for anything at all—including your healing— please give us a call at 817-852-6000. We’re here for you!

Watch a KCM Partner Healing Testimony here!