3 Ways to Combine Faith with Works to Live in Divine Health
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When it comes to living in divine health, or anything else for that matter, there is a delicate balance between living by faith and putting feet to your faith (having works that match the faith). We know that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:17), but there can also be a temptation to move completely over into the flesh and operate fully in the natural. 

The good news? God has called us to live by faith and works, and He always provides a way for us to obey Him. Here are three ways to combine faith with works to live in divine health.

1. Consult the Word of God First

One way to keep yourself from moving into the flesh is to consult the Word of God first in every situation. When it comes to living in divine health, you may be trying to change your diet, find motivation for exercising, or find the right medical care. Whatever your question, the Word of God is the answer. The Bible is a living document. What is so amazing about this is that God can use His Word to get a personal and specific message right to you. All you have to do is have an ear to hear and a heart to perceive. Spend time in His Word, and allow Him to give you counsel about those things you desire to know.

2. Tune In to the Holy Spirit

God’s will is for you to live in divine health—with energy and vitality, at a healthy weight, sleeping well, with a clear mind and the confidence to go along with it. His will is not for you to have sickness, disease, degeneration of any kind, or to age like the world does. He wants you to live long and strong on the earth, and fulfill His plans and purposes for your life!

So, you can be sure He is speaking to you about these very things. If you seek Him, you will find Him, when you seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). How do you seek Him with all your heart? You pursue Him by reading His Word, spending daily time in prayer, and listening to His still, small voice.

Ask Him to tell you what to do about any areas of your health that concern you. Seek Him. Then…listen. You may have to keep listening before you hear Him loud and clear, but He will speak to you. Then, be willing to make changes where He points out a need to do so.

3. Take Steps in the Natural

When you’re faced with a situation in your health, it may be tempting to do just what makes sense in the natural. To combine faith with works, any steps you take in the natural should be fueled by faith, and faith has nothing to do with fear. If your actions are motivated by fear, you can be sure you are out of alignment.

Many Christians ask, “Is it OK to take medicine if I’m standing in faith for healing?” Kenneth Copeland has said many times that it is not wise to stop taking medication or to refuse to seek medical advice when you are standing in faith for healing. You continue to do what you have been advised until your faith rises up, and you receive your healing.

Ultimately, everything you do in the natural should be according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Before you make up your mind to do something, seek Him and listen. Then, step out with works that correspond to your faith, based on the peace in your heart. When you’ve spent time on the first two steps, you’ll be prepared to operate in wisdom when it’s time to take steps in the natural.

When it comes to living in divine health, there are a lot of opinions out there! The only way to be certain you are doing what is right for your body is to consult the Creator. Allow Him to be part of keeping you in divine health. Then, and only then, will you feel confident in stepping out and taking action.

When you consult the Word of God and tune in to the Holy Spirit, you can be certain that your actions will be faith-filled and bring results! Don’t overthink it—you can stand in faith, take action in the natural, and see God work in miraculous ways. You can live in divine health all your days!

Watch Kenneth Copeland and Keith Moore teach you how to be led by the Spirit.

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