Kenneth's Partner Letter Archive

Since 1986, each month without fail, Kenneth Copeland has personally written a letter to his Partners, sharing the latest insights and revelation the Lord has shown him. Use this archive to read his latest letter, as well as research past letters that will charge your faith.

Goodbye, 2020. Hello, 202WON!

Despite any obstacles you may have faced in 2020, you can still have hope and be encouraged to know that God, who bought you through, has made you to be a world overcomer. Your faith in Him is the victory that overcomes the world! Faith in God brings spiritual BLESSINGS into natural reality. As a believer, you are already BLESSED. As a joint heir with Jesus Christ, you are an heir of every blessing of God there is. So, say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021—and prepared to live and walk in every BLESSING God has for you!

Be Strong in the Lord

Be strong IN THE LORD, and in the POWER of HIS MIGHT”! The greater One is our strength. When we're at rest in Him, He is working for us. Why should I be afraid or in any way dismayed? We have a covenant established on God's promises. God was with David, but He is in you and me. We face our giants with more than a slingshot. We come in the mighty NAME of JESUS, fully clad in the FULL ARMOR of GOD!

Welcome to the Family

Our great Father delivered us from the kingdom of darkness. He set us completely free from the god of this world and lifted us up into heavenly places. We are seated at the right hand of Jesus, the place of authority, as joint heirs with Him, in THE KINGDOM of THE SON of His LOVE! We are strong IN HIM. HE is the King of kings.  Now that phrase becomes very, very clear. You and I are the kings over which He is King. Now you can see why we not only need Him, but He needs us.

What Are You Declaring!

To declare a thing is more than just saying it. To declare, or make a declaration, is to announce the facts and stand your ground. God’s WORD is His blood-sworn oath. It is full of His power, and all His promises are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). But unless those promises are believed, or acted on in faith, they are power-less.

Find out what it means to “stand on The WORD of God” and how to activate it’s power to change your life and circumstances. Discover how working together with your great High Priest will unlock the power of God’s eternal WORD that’s already yours in Christ Jesus!   

The Choice is Yours



Why do bad things happen to good people? The age-old question has plagued the hearts and minds of Christians through the centuries. Many a dear saint has gone home to be with The LORD far too early, often because of accident or tragedy. There is an answer, and it’s found in the pages of God’s WORD, the Bible.

Find out how you can avoid tragedy and accidents and live out the full number of your days, so you can accomplish the glorious plan God ordained for you from the foundation of the world!

What is Redemption

The word Redemption is a familiar Christian term to so many, but what does it really mean? The Greek word means: “by payment of a price to recover from the power of another; to ransom, or to buy off.” We all know that Jesus redeemed us from sin, but what have we been redeemed into? Galatians 3:13-14 provides the amazing answer that staggers the human mind. Jesus did it all for us, and so much more. Find out the true scope of your Redemption—you’ll never be the same!

Old Things Are Passed Away!

Who are you in Christ Jesus? Second Corinthians 5:17-21 says you became a new creature in Christ, the moment you made Jesus The LORD of your life. All things in you became new, and all those things are of God, because Jesus was made to be sin with your sin so you could be made His righteousness.

Unrighteousness is no longer who you are. It’s who you used to be. Because of the One who loved you and gave Himself for you, you can stand in the presence of the Most Holy God without a sense of guilt or shame. You were created in the image and likeness of Jesus, filled with His Spirit, speaking with the tongues of men and of angels!

This is the Victory Part 2

God has already defeated the destroyer and given His people the victory over every sickness, every disease and every attack—including COVID-19. The Passover, Love’s (God’s) protection for His people through applying the blood of a lamb on the side posts and lintels of their doors, kept the destroyer from coming into their houses to smite them (Exodus 12:5-7, 13, 23). The blood of the eternal sacrifice, the Lamb of God, and His powerful promises, protect us today, if we’ll wrap ourselves in them and apply them through faith!  


This is the Victory

There is victory for the child of God in every aspect of the New Birth! First John 5:4-5 says, “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” The devil had the power of death, but Jesus paralyzed him and brought him to zero. God has given us the victory over death, hell and the grave through Jesus. First Corinthians 15:54-57 gives us the good news that every manifestation of sin and death that tries to come against us is now “swallowed up in victory”!


God is Light!

God is Light, and He is Love. In Him is no darkness at all. God is Life. In Him is no death. He is Love. In Him is no hate. We are born again of Love into the Kingdom of Light, and we are instructed to put on and wear the “armour of Light” (Romans 13:12), the LORD Jesus Christ—the Anointed One and His Anointing—by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are covenant people. The devil can’t touch us when we are walking in and keeping the commandment of Love!