5 Simple Ways to Stir Up Your Faith Every Day
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5 Simple Ways to Stir Up Your Faith Every Day

Do you feel like your faith could use a boost? Do you desire to be so strong in your faith that nothing the enemy sends your way distracts you from the promises of God? While there is no substitute for reading and studying God’s Word (Romans 10:17), there are ways to remind you of what the Word says and encourage you in applying that Word. So if you want ideas for stirring up your faith every day, here are five simple suggestions for doing just that:

1. Listen to Spirit-led Ministers

These wise men and women of God are a great resource for helping you understand and apply the Word of God in your daily life. Want to know who you can trust? Just look at the ministers on the VICTORY Channel.

2. Watch the BVOV broadcast

The Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast is available every day, either online at KCM.org, on KCM’s ROKU channel, on Apple TV® Generation 4, on Dish® channel 265, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory podcast, as well as on many local and cable over-the-air stations. Wherever you are or however you need to receive it, we’ve got you covered. Click here to see all the ways you can watch.

3. Pray

Make prayer—prayer with understanding and prayer in the spirit—a daily exercise. If you need help finding time to pray, check out the infographic, “Want More Time to Pray?”.

4. Fellowship With Other Christians

Surrounding yourself with like-minded believers is a great way to encourage yourself, and allow you to share what you’re learning and how the Lord is working in your life. If you’d like to find a local body of believers who can encourage you in your faith, check out KCM’s Partner Church list.

5. Keep a Prayer Journal

Maintaining a prayer journal is an excellent way to remind yourself of all the Lord has done for you in the past. Any notebook will do. Simply record your prayers as well as how and when they were answered. Over time, you will see just how faithful the Lord is!

Start implementing these simple strategies for stirring up your faith today. You’re sure to enjoy the benefits and security that come with keeping your heart and mind focused on your heavenly Father and His Word.