
How do I handle my spouse’s disgruntled ex?

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Although it may be difficult, do your best not to engage with your spouse’s ex. Endeavor to keep past events in the past, and avoid being drawn into your spouse’s past issues. It is a good practice to pursue peace. Prayer is a very important foundation in the success of any marriage or remarriage.

It is also your responsibility to exhibit unconditional love. Don’t speak negatively about your spouse’s ex, especially in front of the children. And be a good listener when it comes to supporting your spouse.

How do I stop viewing pornography?

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No matter how long you’ve been viewing pornography or how strong the addiction—Jesus wants to help you get completely free. In fact, that is why He came— to set the oppressed free (Luke 4:18).  He has the power to bring complete deliverance if you’ll let Him. You don’t have to trust in your own ability, because the yoke-destroying blood of Jesus covers every sin, every weakness and every trouble. 

The first step to be free from viewing pornography is to go to Jesus, confess your sin and receive your cleansing from all unrighteousness according to 1 John 1:9.

'I've Raised an Olympian'

July 2014
'I've Raised an Olympian'

In spite of financial and marital struggles, Natalie Hawkins encouraged her children to pursue their dreams. That commitment took an unprecedented level of determination and sacrifice when her youngest daughter aspired to compete in the 2012 Olympics. But it was worth it all, when Gabby Douglas made history as the first African American to win multiple gold medals in gymnastics.

Young, Strong, BLESSED!

June 2014
Young, Strong, BLESSED!
Kenneth Copeland

Every day your body, your finances and your circumstances are listening to you. So say to them what God is saying. Speak His words of BLESSING to every area of your life and He will bring them to pass.

What is God's plan for intimacy in marriage?

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Marriage and the intimacy that goes along with marriage is a blessing to husbands and wives, a gift from God Himself. Yes, God made sex for procreation, but He also created it as a physical pleasure to be enjoyed as part of His plan for the marriage covenant. Sex with your spouse is something you can not only enjoy today, but something that you can look forward to becoming better and better over time as you grow closer to each other.

How do I overcome challenges in my marriage?

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Wouldn’t it be great if our faith always produced instantly visible results? Instead of heated arguments, cold silences, constant frustration and enduring anger, our marriages were loving, kind, peaceful, joyful and mutually fulfilling? But that’s not always the case. If you’re struggling in your marriage, begin putting these principles to work today.


Trust in the Lord

How do I honor a spouse who is unloving?

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“Husbands…[give] honor to the wife.” –1 Peter 3:7 (NKJV)

“Let the wife see that she respects her husband.” –Ephesians 5:33 (ESV)

It can be difficult to deal with a spouse who is unloving. You want them to change first, and you certainly don’t feel like showing honor and love to someone so unlovable! 


In John 13:34, Jesus commanded us to “love each other.” He wasn’t commanding us to have a feeling. He was commanding us to make the right CHOICE.