How to Meditate on the Word of God
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It takes more than just reading the Bible to grow spiritually. When you learn how to meditate on the Word of God, you can move into a believing faith that always receives!

Do you ever have trouble believing the Word of God? Not just agreeing with it mentally, but really believing that what it says will work for you?

There are times when the promises in the Word can stagger the mind. We can feel so defeated and the circumstances around us can look so bad, it can be tough to believe we are “more than conquerors” even though God says we are.

What can you do when your mind staggers at a promise of God? You can meditate on that promise. When you learn how to meditate on what God says, you can move into a believing faith that always receives!

What does meditate mean? The dictionary defines meditate as to “think deeply or carefully about something.” So, when you find a promise from God that’s hard to believe, that’s when you want to think deeply about it. Joshua 1:8 says, “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”

Here are five steps to help you learn how to meditate on the Word of God.

1. Set yourself before the Lord.

When you set yourself before the Lord, you are submitting to His Word, His instruction and His authority. You are inviting Him to minister to your heart. To help prepare your heart for what He wants to speak to you, try spending some time quietly praying in the spirit. Acknowledge the integrity of His Word, and be open to whatever He wants to reveal to you.

2. Forgive.

Unforgiveness, strife, bitterness and anger will block so many things in your life—your blessings, your peace and your ability to hear from the Lord. To meditate on the Word and to receive from it, you must first forgive. Part of that means obeying God’s command to put away anger.

Take the time to say, “Anger, in the Name of Jesus, you leave me. You get down from any place of authority. I take complete authority over anger, and I command you to not operate until it is biblically correct for you to operate.”

Once you’ve forgiven and put away anger, you will be in position to hear from the Lord as you study His Word.

3. Dwell on the Word of God.

Scriptural meditation simply means thinking about and reflecting on the Word of God. It means pondering a particular scripture and mentally applying it to your own circumstances again and again until that scripture permanently marks your consciousness. Don’t just read a verse. No, stop and camp there for a while. Dissect it. Let the Holy Spirit give you revelation about that verse. Let it convict you, sharpen you, refine you and encourage you. Don’t just read it and walk away. Let it change you.

That kind of meditation can affect your life in a way that almost nothing else can. It can, quite literally, alter your mind and renew it to the truth of God’s Word. Read Romans 12:2.

4. Apply the Word personally.

When you need healing, for example, take the time to think again and again on the Word.  You will begin to paint a profile of yourself in your spirit that lines up with the Word of God. Then, instead of wondering what you’re going to do when you need healing, your spirit already knows you have it, so you’ll begin to act on it. You’ll receive it.

To meditate on the Word means you make it your first source, your first line of defense, and the final word on any matter you’re facing.

5. Let the Word mold and reform your thoughts.

This is what meditation is all about—taking time to envision the promise of God until it becomes a reality inside you. It’s tremendously powerful, and by focusing on the scriptural promises God has given you, you can put it to work in your life. As you meditate, you will renew your mind to the truth in His Word. It will change you and refine you and the way you respond to situations.

When you let the Word mold and reform your thoughts, you’ll know what to do in any situation. You'll deal wisely in the affairs of life, and adopt courage and strength. You’ll have the confidence to do whatever the Word says, no matter what anyone else thinks.

How can meditating on the Word of God change your life?

When David was meditating on the Word of God, even when he had opportunity to kill Saul, he wouldn’t do it, because he knew that Saul was anointed by God, and it would be dishonoring to God’s Word to do so. He made right decisions, and he was blessed and prospered. But, when he stopped meditating on the Word of God, he got in trouble. He broke God’s commandments when he fell into sin with Bathsheba and then committed murder. So much trouble ensued when he was not meditating on the Word.

Meditating on the Word will prosper you and keep you safe in the will of God. John 15:7 says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (NIV).

Real faith is built on the Word. We should meditate on the Word: Dig deeply into it and feed on it. Then, the Word will become a part of us just as natural food becomes a part of our physical bodies when we eat. We must feed upon the Word until acting on the Word is all we want to do.

Don’t just read the Word. Use these steps to meditate on it today.

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