How pleased is God with the level of communication the two of you have?
Become a prayer warrior!
Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your prayer life by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. God has made you a prayer warrior—believe it!

Are you wondering how to get your prayers answered? Learn how to pray the prayer of petition and see the answer every time!
Sometimes when you pray you may not feel you are getting results. You repeat the same prayer over and over, wondering why you are not receiving an answer.
Have you heard about the importance of praying in faith? Have you wondered what that means and how to do it but don’t know where to begin?
Spirit-led prayer is an important part of the believer’s life.
It’s a practice that takes devotion and a heartfelt desire to see someone else’s life change for the better, and all believers are called to participate in it.
Your aim in prayer is to be effective. Effective praying is the key to success in every area of life.
To really honor God’s position, we must pray what He has already declared to be His will...and that's found in the Word of God.
There is more than just one kind of prayer, and depending on what you desire from God, you need to understand the importance of each one.
Read these seven steps as guidelines to help you in your determined walk of faith when it comes to your prayers—and learn how to wait in faith for them to be answered.
Unanswered prayer is not the result of God’s unwillingness to use His power, but because of hindrances we allow to overcome us. Read about them here.
Every Christian has the privilege of using the Name of Jesus in prayer. See how, when you pray in Jesus’ Name, you immediately get God’s attention.
This can be an area of confusion when we are learning to walk in the spirit. Learn how to hear His direction today.