Election Day in America has historically been one of the U.S.’s more exciting days, but in recent years, it’s been a bit more turbulent.
Life & Work
A successful life is based on successful prayer.
Pray God’s promises concerning your success with these Bible-based prayers. When you speak God’s Word in prayer, you know you’re speaking His will—for you and your victory.

After weeks and months, even years, of politics everywhere you turn, you finally made it to the voting booth—maybe even against some challenging odds—but now what?
Are you concerned about a friend or family member who is incarcerated? Sometimes, it can seem as if there is no way out and nothing you can do.
No matter what your position or profession, God has designed a system to prosper you. In fact, you are not limited to your paycheck, your education, your abilities or anything else in the natural.
If there’s one thing that interrupts your day and brings it below what you would call a “good day,” it’s the absence of peace.
You pray for your friends and family. You pray for your nation, your church and your pastor. You pray for financial abundance and healing. But, what about your weight? Are you struggling alone?
Let’s look at Mark 11:23-24, which says, “I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.