by Kenneth Copeland
The Christian life is not hard. In fact, it’s easy.
I realize that might come as a shock to some people, but it’s true nevertheless. When we live it the way God intended, the Christian life is wonderfully simple. It is, as Jesus said in Matthew 11:30, easy and light.
We don’t have to exhaust ourselves figuring out solutions to the problems we’re facing. We don’t have to struggle to make ends meet. We don’t have to wonder and worry about the future.
All we have to do is follow our Good Shepherd. All we have to do is go where He leads, say what He tells us to say, and do what He shows us to do, and He takes care of the rest. He makes us lie down in green pastures so we don’t want for anything. He leads us beside still waters so we’re constantly rested and refreshed. He keeps us on the right road so we’re never lost, confused or afraid.
Does that sound to you like a hard life?
It certainly doesn’t to me. What it sounds like is the kind of life described by the 23rd Psalm. A life so wonderful that every day our cup runneth over with the goodness and mercy of The LORD!
“Well, Brother Copeland,” someone might say, “we have to have some wisdom about these things. We have to remember that Psalm 23 is talking about the life we’ll have after we leave this earth. It’s talking about what we’ll have someday in heaven.”
No, it’s not. If it were it wouldn’t say things like, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid,” and “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies” (verses 4-5).
Heaven doesn’t have any shadowy valleys. Our enemies aren’t up there hanging around God’s tables. The shadows and enemies are here on earth.
That’s the reason we need Jesus here with us. This world is a perilous place! We don’t have what it takes to navigate it alone. We need Him to lead us through all the dangers, crises and shortages the devil creates so that we can come through them all abundantly BLESSED.
If you want a sure-fire way to live an easy life, this is it: Follow Jesus. Go where He leads, say what He tells you to say, and do what He shows you to do, and trust Him to take care of the rest. What could be easier?