
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

'We Have Learned So Much From You'

by P.B. , Pennsylvania

I started watching you on TV about eight years ago. I was sick, broke and housebound with panic spells and overwhelming fear. God started revealing things to me through His Word that just amazed me. I had been born again when I was 12 years old and I read my Bible a lot. I couldn’t believe I had missed so much. You and Gloria quickly became my favorites. I ordered your tapes on fear and started rebuking the fear in my life. 
We pray over our family every night and plead the blood of Jesus over them. Our little 2-year-old grandson was outside the other day for about five minutes. I thought his dad was watching him and he thought I was. The baby fell into a small fish pond. It wasn’t very deep but it would have come up to his chest and the bottom is slippery. The baby got himself out and I heard him cry. Praise God, I know who really got him out! 
We have learned so much from you and your family. I never realized how happy life could be. My husband is growing spiritually.... Thank you so much for being obedient to God’s Word.