
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

‘Total Healing’

by J.S., New Jersey

I injured my knee and went to the ER. The doctor said I had a meniscus tear and released me with a knee brace, crutches and medications. At a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon, he said he did not want me to go back to work until after my next appointment and possible knee surgery.

I filled out the online KCM prayer form, then received my total healing while in a grocery checkout line. I could feel the prayer and the healing going through my entire body. In fact, the Holy Spirit healing moved so fast, other customers started talking about Jesus in the checkout line, and I told them about getting born again. When I went for the follow-up, I was able to move my knee without pain. The doctor said I did not need surgery and that I could go back to work. Thank You, Jesus!