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'Thank You for Being Faithful'

by A. and M.J., Canada

I would like to praise God for KCM in our lives. Back in 2002, when I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer, someone put a BVOV magazine in our mailbox. Reading that magazine started us on the journey of discovering how to not only be born again by faith, but to walk in faith in all areas of life. God has been patient and faithful with us. We’ve had many victories, and I’ve been cancer free since the original battle of 2002-2004. Our daughter has fought her way back from the ravages of an eating disorder. Through KCM we were introduced to many sources of help. Keith Moore’s free downloads of teaching have been a true treasure from heaven. Recently, the BVOV magazine featured Roy, Sally and Lisa King’s story of faith. I’m finding much help in Lisa’s story of total surrender and mind renewal which has enabled her to hear God’s voice and discover His path for her in His kingdom. I’m confident that we too will continue to get better at hearing and following the Great Shepherd. Thank you for being faithful to the Body of Christ and enabling us to distinguish good from evil.