
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Speak the Word!

by Velvet Wiggins, Camp Hill, Pa.

Over 20 years ago, when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, I read a book from KCM on the blood covenant. Shortly thereafter, I started experiencing symptoms of miscarriage. Upon examination and ultrasound, the doctor said the placenta was separating from the uterine wall and chances were strong that I would miscarry.
On the way to the doctor that morning, I had been sharing with my sister what I had been learning about the blood covenant. We acted on our new knowledge and started speaking the Word over my unborn child. I was hospitalized and the staff prepared for the worst, but within a few hours the symptoms stopped and the next day I was released. I carried my beautiful, healthy daughter full term, and she now has three beautiful daughters of her own—God is faithful!
In 2007, my son and his wife had a little boy, Caden Michael, born with life-threatening health issues. He was life-flighted to the nearest children’s hospital, but the doctor gave little hope Caden would survive the flight. My son and daughter-in-law, family and friends declared the Word over my grandson and today, he is a healthy child who hungers for more of Jesus—Caden gets up each morning, grabs his guitar and asks to watch a worship service on TV, then starts his day worshiping and praising. 
Thank you, Kenneth and Gloria, for being faithful and obedient in teaching the Word. We think of you as family.