
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Pursuit of His Presence Changed Us

by Priscilla Dutt, Canada

I am from Pakistan, a believer who was hungry and thirsty for the Lord. A pastor from the U.S. gave my husband and me a daily devotional, Pursuit of His Presence. It changed our walk of faith, and I wanted to get all the materials I could, but none was available in my country. 
My husband bought me a satellite dish to watch BVOV, which came on at 2 a.m. our time. With no way to record it, I had to get up to watch it. Then my husband bought a video recorder! Each time I saw the ads about the meetings, I prayed that one day I’d be able to attend one. Today, after 20 years of praying, I am the most grateful participant at the Canada Victory Campaign. I passed on the Pursuit book to my daughter and her faith has soared. She even missed school to be here today, and I refused three days of work (I only have a casual job) to be in this assembly of believers.
I became a Partner today. I am expecting mighty works of God in my family, my church and my country. I thank KCM Partners for making BVOV available in Muslim countries—people are living in spiritual deserts and need to be brought to life!