
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Prospering God's Way

by D.P., Pennsylvania

My wife and I discussed getting out of debt and making a commitment to God to walk in His financial principles. Watching The Prosperous Life confirmed this, so we made it a priority to pray together about getting out of debt. The day we did that, my boss called to meet for lunch the next day. When I got there, he was standing in the parking lot with our company’s president, who bumped my salary $20,000! I was so appreciative and give God all the glory. The day after we committed to God that we were going to put Him first in our finances and follow His financial principles, He gave us this unheard-of increase. Now we desire to use it to bless others and be on our way to debt-free living. Thank You, God, KCM, and the wonderful pastors, prophets and patriots on VICTORY Channel™.