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Prayer Brings Peace and Healing

by T.H. , Berlin, Germany

I’m an American opera singer living in Berlin. I’ve been experiencing hardship for the past three months due to symptoms of severe bronchitis. I had constant, severe coughing fits and ended up completely losing my voice. Because of this, I was unable to go out on auditions.
However, last night I called the KCM prayer line, and a wonderful lady prayed for me. She ministered the Word to me, then prayed a prophetic prayer and spoke prophetic words over me which were exactly things I’ve been going through! Almost instantly my throat cleared up and then my coughing ceased. 
Today the coughing fits are completely gone and I feel my voice returning. Praise God! 
Thank you, KCM, for being there in my time of need. I love you tremendously and bless you in Jesus’ Name!