
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Pandemic Prosperity

by R.M., Texas

After university I ended up owing $16,000. I was told I would be paying those loans off for the rest of my life. During the beginning of the coronavirus, I started listening to the Copelands, George Pearsons, Jesse Duplantis, Jerry Savelle and others preach on faith and how to sow your way out of debt. I became a Partner to KCM and got serious about paying off those loans. 

My job was considered essential, so I worked from home at full pay. One of my loans was sent into mandatory forbearance because of the state of the nation, but I paid anyway, far more than was required, all while sowing. It took about a year to pay off the loans. 

Now I’m debt free and my bank account is growing. God prospered me during a pandemic! Praise be to God, and thank you, KCM and others, for teaching me.