
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

'The Pain Is GONE!'

by J.F., Afton, WY

I am 64 years old, and work as an EMT. For the past year, my lower back has been bothering me. At times, the pain gets so bad I cannot walk and need to sit down. This morning, when I got off work, I came home and turned on my laptop to watch segments of the Believer’s Voice of Victory TV broadcasts. I also turned on the VICTORY Channel and God Wants You Well was on. As I was watching, Kenneth had a word of knowledge that someone was sitting at their computer with lower back pain. He said, “Stand up from your desk and praise The LORD for your healing.” Well, I did just that. I had been reading and confessing healing scriptures for months now. Today, the pain is GONE! PRAISE THE LORD. God is good, all the time!