
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

One Word From God Set Him Free

by A.C. , South Africa

I need to say first that it's been an uphill struggle for me to be constant in the Word or in a relationship with God. I experienced a lot of self-condemnation and a sense of spiritual loss, thinking I had lost my salvation due to repeated sinful mistakes and not spending enough time with God. I thought I had turned my back on Christ and rejected my first love. Therefore it was possible for me to lose my salvation. 
On God TV, March 11, 2012, the Branson Victory Campaign with Kenneth Copeland started the message about “Blessing God and His Holy Name.” My Bible was opened on Psalm 103 where the psalmist cried out to the Lord blessing His Holy Name. 
I realized it was time for me to bless this great God with my spirit and soul. Then Kenneth stopped for a moment, bringing the promise from the Holy Spirit that someone is being brought back to the Lord’s table. Well my reaction was, Lord, he’s not speaking to me as I am in South Africa and this must be someone in America. But I thought, If he proclaims that it’s for a person in another country or over the sea I will claim it as Your Spirit bringing the message to me. Thank God for using Kenneth Copeland to assure me He will never let me go, even when I think it is impossible—for His love endures forever. Thank you and God bless.