
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

No Gift Is Too Small

by B.C., Idaho

Last month I had only $2 to sow. At first, I was too embarrassed to send it and then I remembered the “loaves and fishes,” so I prayed that God would multiply it and I sent it off. A few weeks later I received a personal letter thanking me for my $2! You prayed a blessing over it in the letter. I was impressed that you took the time to thank me for such a small offering.
Well, two weeks after receiving that letter someone gave me a gift of $200. So now I am sowing a tithe of $20. I am expecting a harvest—God is good! At this time I had been also trying to get a loan modification for a year on our home with no success. Foreclosure had begun and it was going up for auction on December 30. In tears, I called KCM for prayer and that afternoon I received the modification. Praise the Lord!