A Living Miracle
In March 2007, I suffered a brain hemorrhage in the middle of the night. I awoke and ran into the wall, thinking I was just sleepy. In the morning I felt sick and “strange.” I ended up sleeping day and night for nearly a week, not realizing what was wrong. When the doctors found out what happened, they said I could have died going to sleep like that.
They said I was stable and to wait six weeks for the blood to clear out before they could determine the cause. I have been a Partner with KCM since 1993 and had received a healing package by Gloria, so I went to the Word, took hold of the scriptures and received my healing. I remembered Gloria saying we needed to “take our healing medicine every day,” so I declared and confessed all the healing scriptures in You Are Healed by Kenneth, two to three times daily. I meditated on them constantly during that six weeks.
In May, I went in for the cerebral angiogram that would expose the problem. I was at the UCLA Medical Center and asked the doctor if there was any possibility it was nothing or that the problem was already corrected. He said, “No, absolutely not, not with that much bleeding. There is a problem and we are just going in so we can determine how to deal with it.” I meditated on the scriptures and thanked the Lord for my healing one last time before going into the operating room.
In post operative my doctor came in and said, “You are the luckiest person I know. We can’t find anything wrong.” All praise to Jesus! He protected my life and healed me completely. I am so grateful to Him and to the partnership of the Copelands in my life!