
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

A Life-and-Death Situation

by Jerry P. , Illinois

My daughter was pregnant with her third child, scheduled to deliver Friday, March 9, 2012, by C-section. She went to the doctor who examined her and said, “You have time, besides there are no rooms available right now—the hospital is on bypass.” She went home and the following Monday, she starting vomiting blood and hemorrhaging. Her husband rushed her to the hospital 30 minutes away in rural Wisconsin where an emergency C-section was performed. They discovered the baby had detached sometime over the weekend. My daughter had lost a lot of blood, and Joseph was not breathing when he was born. Our son-in-law called us, and we immediately called KCM and everyone started praying for Joseph and our daughter. Both my wife and I believe it was the power of prayer that saved our daughter and grandson. The doctor told our son-in-law that 10 minutes later, both of them would have been in fatal condition. Thank you, and God bless you.