
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

'I Have Hope'

by C.B., Kentucky

Thank you both for all the good work you do to get the Word out to people who don’t understand what love is.
I’m 46 years old and I have never been one to sit down to read anything. But since I’ve been reading the Bible and the books you’ve sent me, I really do enjoy reading. Truly, you are a godsend and I have hope now! I understand more than I ever have before. I always knew Jesus was with me, but it was like I was running away from Him. But now I realize He was running with me, too! He didn’t give up on me. And He knew one day I would find my way back to Him and give Him my heart, soul and whole life.
Thank you for your prayers. Your books give me encouragement every day, along with hope and faith that I can fight the devil—always!