
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

‘He Redeemed My Life From Destruction’

by L.V. , Ukraine

Three times I received treatment for alcohol addiction. Twice I was forced to do so. I did everything I knew, but then I would start drinking again. The diagnosis was chronic alcoholism. And there is no cure for it. Having lost hope to find the way out, I decided to commit suicide. But God saved me. He redeemed my life from destruction. I always asked God, Why? I don’t want to live life like it had been before, but I can’t live any other way. 
Christian TV helped. While watching your broadcast I got revelations and encouragement. I started praying for my spiritual growth and the fruit of the spirit, understanding of the Bible, patience and then alcohol deliverance came to me. 
I don’t lie, I don’t take what belongs to others, I don’t cuss. It is three years I have been attending our local church. The thing that is impossible to men is possible to God!