
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

God Is Good—Mother and Baby Are Fine!

by Florence U. E., United Kingdom

I asked KCM Europe for prayers while I was pregnant, as I had gotten some negative reports. You prayed for perfect health for me and the baby. So I chose to disregard the report of the scan and put my faith in God’s Word, that by the stripes of Jesus, my child and I were healed more than 2,000 years ago. We prayed and I listened to Gloria Copeland’s Healing School messages in kcm.org.uk archives. There was one in particular where Brother Kenneth prayed for healing for every part of our bodies from head to toe. I received it by faith for me and my family including my then-unborn baby. I recorded it from SKYTV on my sky planner. I played it over and over, almost daily. I also took Holy Communion almost daily. After various scans, I was told everything was fine. I delivered my baby normally on 21 September—three days after her due date. The enemy tried to rear its ugly head. I had a tear along my cervix and lost 4.5 liters of blood, which was quite much. Glory to God. I recovered immediately, and was discharged after three days. My recovery astounded the doctors, midwives and nurses. People came to see the woman who lost so much blood but recovered immediately and remained perfectly healthy—and my baby is perfectly healthy as well. We return all the glory to God. Thank you very much for being there for us.