
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

‘God Came to Live in Me’

by T.V. , Canada

Over a year ago, I walked away from God. I’d had enough of God and Christians alike. I was tired of hearing how good God was. Day after day I saw God's people crying out to Him to no avail. That’s when I began to question my understanding of God and His Word, and the Church’s interpretation of it. I was met with hostility and later, silence. My world collapsed. I hated God and everything He stood for. I gave away all my books, CDs and DVDs, everything but one, Pursuit of His Presence by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Slowly I began to talk to God again, and 17 months later I turned on your program. I watched it, recorded it and watched it again, this time with my Bible and notebook in hand. I feel somewhat like the prodigal son. I have been living in a trough for the last year and a half and think, Maybe it's time to go home. It's taken a long time, but I now realize that God came to live in me not so I could call myself a Christian, but so that I could be His arms that reach into the darkness to help those who are still lost. God bless KCM and all your Partners.