
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Family Benefits

by S.K., Florida

I have been a longtime Partner with KCM and now I’m an EMIC eMember. 

Hurricane Ian lasted over 24 hours in my area. Pastor Terri agreed with us during church service that it would amount to nothing, reminding us that we are redeemed from the curse. My EMIC eGroup also agreed with me. I claimed my tither’s rights as we have been taught, and declared I would not lose anything, including electricity. I kept standing and speaking, regardless of what I saw, heard or felt. 

I never lost electricity, and nothing was damaged! My family and I were kept safe, and I was able to minister to them and others. I kept saying, “The Copelands, Pastors George and Terri and the EMIC family, and our eGroup are praying for me. Everything is going to be all right.” Thank You, Lord, for Your protection and thank you, KCM and EMIC family!