
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Faithful to His Word

by J.D.Y., Kentucky

Just wanted to say thank you for all those years your ministry planted seed into my life while I was in prison. Today I’m serving Jesus in the free world, and have been faithful to God’s Word in my life. Naturally, He honors His Word. My 11-year-old daughter attended church camp, and informed me the other day, “Daddy, I’ve accepted Jesus and He’s filled me with the Holy Spirit.” Praise the Lord! He broke a 20-year addiction to cocaine and alcohol in my life. Today I emphasize recovery through redemption—not AA or NA. Truly our help comes from His Word and not the help of the world! Brother, I’m just an old country boy who has discovered the truth held out in the gospel.