
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Dreams Fulfilled in God

by P.M., Ohio

Thank you for your ministry and all the free study materials which have brought me greater understanding and relationship with my heavenly Father. I wanted a new, debt-free house, so I studied How to Believe God for a House. Within 24 hours of selling and moving out of my home, I was offered land to build on (no charge) and signed papers for my new home! I moved in Oct. 8, 2019, and paid it off Nov. 21, 2019.

I grew up poor in the inner city and was raised in foster care, and here I am traveling to Israel (debt free), building new homes (debt free), and now setting up an account to support the gospel and eradicate poverty! I love you and thank God for you!