
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Connected and Affected

by C.S.,

I was at the SWBC, and symptoms of allergies and a headache were attacking. As I prepared a seed to sow, I heard Holy Spirit say to become a monthly Partner! So I did immediately. Then Brother Copeland was teaching, and in the middle of his teaching he stopped and prayed in the spirit, then said, “Every Partner is receiving what they have need of RIGHT NOW!” 

My body was healed IMMEDIATELY—No time lapse! I began to thank God for His goodness and how He instructed me to become a Partner in that moment. I believe God gave Brother Copeland that word JUST FOR ME. Had I not become a Partner right before that session, it wouldn’t have applied to me BUT because I was now connected, I was affected! Thank You, Jesus! And thank you, KCM, for all you do.