
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Believed God’s Word—Became Debt Free

by L.W., United Kingdom

I am sending this to give God thanks for becoming debt free as a result of believing God’s Word. After completing steps to change things in my life using scriptures, I began to ask God to help deal with my finances and set my monthly expenditures, including tithe and offering, and how I should save.
I must admit, my financial state was self-inflicted due to years of poor financial management! I was living off an overdraft with which I tried to pay my debts. I confessed the scriptures and watched encouraging preaching about receiving the liberty that God has set me free. I was led to go to your Rome meeting after becoming a Partner with KCM, and heard more about THE BLESSING.
I have to testify that I was able to pay all my debts after selling my house, during a so-called difficult time! I had to trust God and believe that His way is the only way. I would like to thank you for standing in prayer, sharing God’s Word and helping to make a difference in my life, so I can share it with others.