
Supporting Your Pastor With Prayer

Lesson 4
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Doors of Opportunity

April 2015
Doors of Opportunity
Melanie Hemry

Adrienne Bankert first considered being a journalist when she was 12 years old. Now 23, she had interned with NBC in Los Angeles, then landed a gig as host on a local PBS station. It was a great job and a wonderful experience, but Adrienne was driven. All her young life she wanted to make it big in television. Ultimately, the desire for career success would bring her to faith in the Lord.

What does “dying to self ” mean?

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The term “dying to self” is one that must be analyzed in the light of the New Testament. We must realize that when we made Jesus our Lord, our spirits (which were already dead) were made alive in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:1-6; Galatians 2:20). The spirit being, which is the real “self,” was recreated. The term “dying to self,” although widely used in Church today, is not valid for the born-again believer.

What does it mean to be saved?

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From television to movies and magazines, we are flooded with voices telling us we have any number of possible choices that can bring deliverance from our fears, peace about death and success in life. Even voices from religious tradition have brought confusion about what it means to gain and keep our salvation. God does not want man spending life on earth continually questioning whether he is saved, always fighting thoughts that he isn’t good enough or hasn’t done enough to earn God’s favor.

For the clear truth about salvation, listen to the voice of God’s Word: