
Do you seem to have more month than money? Wondering how you’ll save for retirement or get out of debt?

Don’t allow your current circumstances to call the shots. It’s time to take back your power with these 5 Simple Habits to Increase Your Finances.

Topic: finances tithe speak

Tithing isn’t just an act of giving—it’s an act of worship! You’re likely a cheerful giver, but maybe without thinking about it, you’ve allowed tithing to become a religious ritual—write the check, put it in the bucket, end of story.

Topic: finances tithe worship

The tithe is holy and sacred before the Lord. As a tither, your heart in coming to present your tithe is of the greatest importance. If you’ve been tithing as a religious routine, out of compulsion and without faith—that’s just bucket plunking. That’s not tithing.

Topic: tithe communion blessing